2024.09.03 Weekly Meeting

Meeting Notes


  • Popup Refinements

    • Display the popup 5 seconds after the startupCompleted signal is emitted (using QTimer).
    • Include a JSON string in the details section using slicer.util.errorDisplay("An error occurred. For further information click 'Show Details...'", windowTitle="Something", detailedText="Some text").
    • Add buttons: “Accept,” “Reject,” and “Ask me later.”
    • Include a “Do not ask again” checkbox; if selected, the popup will not reappear, and the same response will be used in future sessions.
  • Next Steps

Bone Reconstruction Planner

  • Added support for multiple lights.
  • Implemented Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO).

Slicer Tutorials

  • References

  • Tutorial Organization

    • Organize tutorials into top-level categories (e.g., SlicerIGT).
    • Use one repository per tutorial to facilitate creation, revision control, storage of PDFs, and sample data as release assets. In the future, CI will automate translation and test execution.
  • Tutorial Naming Convention

    • Assign unique, descriptive names for each tutorial to avoid confusion with similar titles. Consider using IDs similar to SlicerIGT, for example:
      • STC-SEG-101 (Slicer Training Compendium - Segmentation - Beginner)
      • Examples: STC-GEN-101, STC-SEG-101, STC-REG-101, STC-NEURO-102, STC-IGT-USR-102, STC-IGT-DEV-102, STC-DEV-101, STC-MORPH-101.
    • These IDs will uniquely identify tutorials, and the tutorial finder could use these IDs as reference.
  • Next Steps

    • @lassoan : Draft the main page content based on existing tutorials - Draft Link.
    • @jcfr: Rename tutorials.slicer.org GitHub project to training.slicer.org :heavy_check_mark:.
    • @lassoan: Ask @cpinter to create a dedicated repository for the segmentation tutorial.
  • Proposed GitHub Topic

    • Use the topic: 3d-slicer-training for related repositories.

Slicer Reusable GitHub Actions and Workflows

  • Following Slicer PR#7900, the GitHub workflow commit-message.yml is now re-usable.
  • Maintaining this workflow within the Slicer/Slicer project prevents Dependabot from effectively tracking updates specific to the pinned workflow, as it instead suggests updates referencing all Slicer changes rather than those specific to the workflow.
  • Next: Create dedicated Slicer repositories to organize each GitHub reusable workflow or action.

Plan for Slicer 5.8 Release

  • This topic will be covered in next week’s meeting.