2024.09.10 Weekly Meeting

Today, we will be having our next weekly hangout at 10:00 AM ET until 11:00 AM ET

Anyone is welcome to join at this link: https://bit.ly/slicer-googlemeet-hosted-by-kitware


Please post to this thread to put a topic on the agenda! We will try to prioritize agenda items during the meeting.

Sam and J-Christophe

To discuss:

  • Schedule for upcoming release

Some new segment editor icons for your suggestions today if there is time.

1 Like

New Slicer training page - >https://hackmd.io/yjTx5oIxRiyvuXUPSpoPCw https://hackmd.io/@zpX1d6ofQ1i7_ArZsJ3_-g/r17QDhE20

Gettinga 403 permission error

Thanks, I’ve updated the link.

Still the same error for me. Do i actually need to be signed in?

I’ve removed the sign-in requirement now. Sign-in is still required to comment or make suggestions.

Meeting Notes

Updates from TY Park: pty0220 on GitHub, park on Discourse

  • FUS (Focused Ultrasound) and TMS simulation (real-time) & visualization updates.
  • MICCAI publication on SlicerTMS will be featured as an oral presentation of the poster. More details can be found here.
  • Watch the related video: https://youtu.be/TRhmNf8oVCA.

Dental Applications in Slicer

  • A coordinated development of foundational features like panoramic view support is recommended.
  • Related feature request:
    • #7179: Add built-in support for Curved Planar Reformation (CPR).
  • Potential collaborators:

New Icon Design

  • Discussed proposed icons for segment editor effects. View the icons here.

  • Examples of menu items that could benefit from icons for improved accessibility:

    • The ‘Show 3D’ option in the Segment Editor could use a consistent icon.
    • Possible new icon for the Volume Rendering module: image.
  • Discussed the possibility of displaying tooltips in the status bar/data probe when hovering over items.

Slicer Training Page

  • @lassoan has drafted a new landing page for Slicer training, which will be hosted at tutorials.slicer.org. View the draft here.

Example Marp Repository

Upcoming VTK Changes

  • Runtime detection of GLX, EGL, and OSMesa for OpenGL context will be enabled. See merge request for more details.

Certificate Issue

Slicer 5.8 Release Plan

  • Tentative release scheduled for the last week of October.
  • Updates to VTK and transition to Qt 6 are postponed for a later release.
  • Associated Milestone will be updated in next week’s hangout.
  • A GDCM/ITK patch will be required to address a regression in the DICOM database. See:

Brief Discussion: Software as a Medical Device