2024.09.17 Weekly Meeting

Today, we will be having our next weekly hangout at 10:00 AM ET until 11:00 AM ET

Anyone is welcome to join at this link: https://bit.ly/slicer-googlemeet-hosted-by-kitware


Please post to this thread to put a topic on the agenda! We will try to prioritize agenda items during the meeting.

Sam and J-Christophe

I can’t make the meeting today, but wanted to let you know new versions of segment editor icons are checked in. Screenshots are in readme file at following link – please send any comments/suggestions! – cheers!

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@wenples @lassoan just a reminder that there are bunch of effects in the SegmentEditorExtraEffects extension that might be useful to include in the icon redesign (to make sure that they are visually consistent with core effects).

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Thank you for this. It would be very helpful, if possible, to have a brief description of each of the extra effects in the extension that will help inform the design work.

There is a short description of all the effects in the github repo:

Is that sufficient?

I’ll start there. Thank you!