If there’s time today. Just a look at the current iconset in dark/light, and your preferences for which other .png files in codebase (I’ve tabled them) should be reworked.
Demo Review: @pieper demonstrated collision detection and response using an interactive probe controlled by a markup node.
Customization of vtkMRMLMarkupsLineNodes: Discussed potential customizations for vtkMRMLMarkupsLineNodes, such as options for endpoint shapes and support for additional units (e.g., force).
Pipeline Generation Prototype: @RafaelPalomar introduced a prototype for generating pipelines.
The discussion covered how the parameter node wrapper code interacts with VTK pipelines to map SOFA to MRML data structures, particularly when computations involve persistent VTK filter instances.
Current developments support simple 1-to-1 SOFA-to-MRML mappings. More complex mappings, which require a conversion pipeline, would need mechanisms to maintain the pipeline state.
Andras suggested separating variable mapping from declarations in the parameter node to improve readability. Rafael will review the design to identify possible solutions.
Slicer 5.8 Release
Considered a minor delay in the release timeline to manage other time commitments, with the goal of releasing before RSNA (targeting mid November).
Slicer Icon Update
Icon Design Guidelines: @wenples presented guidelines for icon design, followed by a review of priority icons to be added.