Adding extension from GitHub

how can i add a module not indext in the extenion manager in 3d slicer

im intersted in installing this extenios ,but not sure how to proceed


Hi Mohammed. Thank you for the interest. I’m the main developer of SlicerBoneReconstructionPlanner.
Here are some of the results we have got till now (the pictures are not from the same case):



Here it is the repository:

To install the module you need to go to that link, click on “Code”, click on “Download ZIP”, then:
Instalation instructions:

  1. Paste the file: “” on the directory you want it.

  2. Select the file: “”, press right-click and select "Extract in SlicerBoneReconstructionPlanner-main"

  3. Open Slicer

  4. “Edit” → “Application settings” → “Modules” → “Additional module paths” → “>>” → “Add” → go to …\SlicerBoneReconstructionPlanner-main\SlicerBoneReconstructionPlanner-main\BoneReconstructionPlanner

  5. Click “OK” and Click “Yes” in the “Settings” window

  6. After Slicer has restarted search for the module “BoneReconstructionPlanner”. (It’s on the “Planning” Category)

  7. From the Slicer Extensions Manager install the “Sandbox” extension and the extension “MarkupsToModel”

Here is a short walkthrough of the surgical planning ( but if you can wait a little bit I think will release a videotutorial shortly ):
First you select the mandibular segmentation and the fibula segmentation, and click "create bone models from segmentations". Then you draw the mandible curve with "Add mandibular curve", then create the mandible planes with "Add cut plane". (Optionally, you can click in "Automatic mandibular planes positioning for maximum bones contact area" here). After that create the fibulaLine with "Add fibula line" (the starting point should be on the distal side of the fibula). Then set up "Initial space" and "Intersection position" (you can leave them as default). After that check that the mandibularCurve and fibulaLine are selected correspondingly in "Select mandible curve" and "Select fibula line". Then click "Update fibula planes over fibula line". After that move or rotate the mandiblePlanes as much as you want. Then click "Update fibula bone pieces with fibula planes" and after that click "Transform fibula bone pieces to mandible". After that you can move/rotate the mandible planes again and click "Update fibula bone pieces with fibula planes" again and also click "Transform fibula bone pieces to mandible".

Tell us if you have any problem using the module in a github issue

@mohammed_alshakhas Would you be interested to use this for mandibular reconstruction with fibula free flap? What is your expertise and how would you use the surgical guide designer? We have a conference call once in every couple of weeks, if you were interested to join then send your contact info in a private message to me and I will invite you to the next meeting.

thanks Mauro ,
im a maxillofacial / head and neck surgeon and work with my partner a microvascular surgeon a “fibula guy”
however, i do planning for both resection and reconstruction.

i saw your module and it looked great , would love to give it a good try .

my experience in VSP is doing segmentation in 3D slicer and continue the rest in meshmixer doing cuts and guides . i have never designed a fibula cutting guide that we used yet . i do it mostly by boolean processes.

i have no programming experience, all my experience is trial and error . so i would love to learn from your work :+1:

You (and your partner) can try to install and use the module for planning fibula flap reconstruction of the mandible.

The module has been used at least two times to treat real patients. So you should be able to make useful guides with it.

If you find the instructions I wrote insufficient open a github issue explaining where you got stuck and I’ll guide you

BoneReconstructionPlanner is now available in the Extensions Manager for Slicer latest preview release.

Here is a preview video:

And the link to the project: