Hi all,
I have a series of 3D .nrrd files of MRI images and corresponding segmentation masks that I created from slicer that I am hoping to train for autosegmentation.
I am trying to prepare the data by make them share the same coordinates/domain size, but I’m struggling due to if there are more than differences RAS (for 3D .nrrd files) vs. LPS coordinates (for the segmentation masks), even when I get the metadata for both. Any advice on the best way of approaching this issue? Thanks!
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
# Load MRI and label images
volume_image = sitk.ReadImage('Pros Normal 002.nrrd')
label_image = sitk.ReadImage('Pros Normal 002.seg.nrrd')
# Convert images to arrays for processing
volume_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(volume_image)
label_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label_image)
# Get metadata from label image
label_shape = label_array.shape
label_origin = label_image.GetOrigin()
label_spacing = label_image.GetSpacing()
# Calculate the bounding box of the label
non_zero_indices = np.argwhere(label_array)
label_bbox_min = non_zero_indices.min(axis=0) # min (z_min, y_min, x_min)
label_bbox_max = non_zero_indices.max(axis=0) + 1 # max (z_max, y_max, x_max)
# Define ROI start based on label's bounding box in RAS coordinates
roi_start = [
# Define size based on label's bounding box dimensions
roi_size = [
int(label_bbox_max[0] - label_bbox_min[0]),
int(label_bbox_max[1] - label_bbox_min[1]),
int(label_bbox_max[2] - label_bbox_min[2])
# Adjust roi_start for RAS coordinates
# Negate x and y indices for conversion from LPS to RAS
roi_start[1] = volume_array.shape[1] - roi_start[1] # Adjust y-coordinate
roi_start[2] = volume_array.shape[2] - roi_start[2] # Adjust x-coordinate
# Crop the volume using SimpleITK
cropped_volume = sitk.RegionOfInterest(volume_image, size=roi_size, index=roi_start)
# Save the cropped volume
sitk.WriteImage(cropped_volume, 'C:/Machine Learning/cropped_images/Pros_Normal_002_cropped.nrrd')
# Print out metadata
print("Label Shape:", label_shape)
print("Label Origin (world coordinates):", label_origin)
print("Cropped Volume Origin (world coordinates):", cropped_volume.GetOrigin())
print("Cropped Volume Size:", cropped_volume.GetSize())