Black screen on startup after seeing home page

I have 5.3.0 running on an old desktop but not on a somewhat newer laptop. are there debug levels I can set to see exactly what the problem is?

Thank you!
Gene Risi

Please, give more information about your setup. Which operating system are you using? Did you build Slicer yourself or did you downloaded the pre-built binaries? If you downloaded the binaries, maybe you would like to give a try to 5.2.1 (stable) instead of preview version just to see if that makes a difference.

Also search the forum for similar issues - there’s a lot of discussion about laptop drivers causing black screens, such as:

True! Here’s another one: Slicer Black screen on opening software

I am running Win 10 Pro and a pre-built binary. I tried 5.2.1 and got the same results (also, similiar to others, there does appear to be a home screen behind it, with right clicking giving different options, etc.
I can run 5.3 on my older home machine and I am trying a “last-ditch” effort to run 5.3 under a dual boot Linux environment on my laptop. I realize the hardware is old (by laptop standards :grinning:)
Thank you!

I installed Ubuntu on the laptop and am running the Linux version of 5.3.0 without any problems.

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