Build errors with slicer

When I compile Slicer, it always shows the following error. I am using the main version from GitHub. Can someone tell me how to solve this problem?

What is your Windows OS Build Number?
Visual Studio Version?
CMake Version?

Thank you for your response, James. I feel like there are always some strange issues, but I finally solved this one by reinstalling the computer system.

Could you provide the versions of these things that you are using with your newly reinstalled operating system? This will provide the community with a known working configuration upon facing this you issue that you reported.

OS: win10 64 19045.4651
VisualStudio: 2022 LTS 17.6 community
CMake: 3.29.6

In the meantime, I switched between different versions of Visual Studio and CMake, but the issue remained unresolved. I still believe the problem might be related to the version of Visual Studio rather than CMake. Although reinstalling the system resolved the issue, Iā€™m not sure if upgrading Visual Studio changed something.

I noticed that during that time, the community did discuss some issues related to the latest version of Visual Studio.

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