I am using pyRadiomics to analyzed 3D segmentation of tumors.
I noticed the feature " Sphericity" and it is very useful for tumor analysis. Besides this feauture, I want to calculate the " Ellipsoidity" of a tumor.
When the tumor is in the shape of a very prolate or oblate ellipsoid, it would have a low sphericity but the ellipsoidity would be 1. So the featue “Ellipsoidity” could also be very useful.
Can I do this with pyRadiomics?
Thank you in advance.
I don’t know what pyradiomics can compute, but you can use Slicer’s segment statistics module to compute many shape metrics: roundness, flatness, elongation, principal moments, principal axis directions, oriented bounding box diameters, Feret diameter, etc. This allows rich shape characterization, including assessing “ellipsoidity”.
All shape features available in PyRadiomics can be found here. This also includes principal axes length, but no specific “ellipsoidity” formula. Do you have a equation to calculate this?
I read papers that says it equals the ratio of one 3D object’s volume to the volume to the object’s fitting ellipsoid. And the fitting ellipsoid can be calculated this way:
Chaudhuri, B. B., & Samanta, G. P. (1991). Elliptic fit of objects in two and three dimensions by moment of inertia optimization. Pattern Recognition Letters , 12 (1), 1-7.