Cannot drag-and-drop segmentation to the application window and unequal view width on Windows11

I used to have 4 equal quadrants while working and now the window with the same settings looks like this and can’t be changed in any way.
Also, I can’t copy existing segmentation lists into Slicer. When transferring files to Slicer, the blocked process icon appears in place of the arrow.

I had this problem once before and solved it by reinstalling the app, but this time I’ve already tried it about a dozen times without getting any results.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


Does the window size becomes equal once you load an image?

This is a limitation of Windows 11. This is the main reason I’m still on Windows 10. Microsoft is supposed to fix it at some point, but right now they say you need to hit Alt-Tab after you started the drag to switch to the bring up the window of the target application.

Which problem? You can reset the application settings by deleting the Slicer.ini application settings file.

Both of them - with windows and adding segmentation list

No, everything remains the same.

Yes, I had Windows 11. Unfortunately, I didn’t get an answer quickly, so I reinstalled the system on Windows 10 and now everything works perfectly.
But thanks for the reply anyway. I will be aware of such system limitations in the future.

Thanks for the additional information. We’ll investigate the view sizing when we switch to Windows11 on developer computers and can reproduce the behavior.

@lassoan This functionality is restored with recently released Windows 11 22H2.

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I was offered to upgrade Windows 10 to this version lately, but I don’t want to risk when everything works well.