Cannot launch QT Creator on MacOS

Hi all,

I am trying to launch QT Creator for debugging the nightly build, but it’s not launching.

Platform: macOS Mojave
SlicerBuild: succeeded
QT version: 5.14.2
QT creator: 4.12

I created a gist here (using export DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1):

Does anyone know what could be causing this?

Thank you,

It seems like that should work as long as creator comes from the same Qt you used to build Slicer.

FWIW, I typically use Xcode for debugging on mac by manually copying the launcher environment into the project settings. The homebrew Qt comes with creator, and that works for me if I attach to a running instance, but not when I start it with the Slicer launcher.


I built Qt Creator from source with my local qt version and now it’s working to launch it.

I followed the instructions given here: