Cannot load DICOM file

When I upload some sequence DICOM files, an error was displayed:- Error: Loading C:/Users/zmm/Desktop/3D-slicer/00435240-20160729/03ef60b7.dcm - load failed.
Error: Loading C:/Users/zmm/Desktop/3D-slicer/00435240-20160729/03ef60b8.dcm - load failed.。。。

But I can upload other files,The file name is:

why?Is it about the name of the file?what can I do to solve this problem? THANKS VERY MUCH

Please start here: DICOM — 3D Slicer documentation

THANK YOU VERY MUCH,your answer is of great help to me, if i have any other question,I would ask you,Thank you again

I cannont get parameters of CT value of my model,why?what“s the problem,can you help me to solve this problem. THANK YOU VERY MUCH,sweet smile.

You need to select the CT volume that you want to quantify as the “Scalar volume” in Segment Statistics module.

Thank You very much,It is of great help to me. THANKS

Thank You very much,It is of great help to me. THANKS

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