Hi. I have DICOM files of my brain. There’s a lot of scans in there but many wouldn’t be suitable for a 3D model I think. The best scans seem to be 26 slices going ear to ear and 33 slices going top of head to bottom. I don’t seem to have any scans with several clear front to back slices.
Can a good 3D model be generated simply from the two planes?
There’s an additional issue that the two good groups of slices are from two separate scans it seems like. They’re not in the same line of data when I load it in 3D slicer. In other words, the good slices are paired with blurry slices from the two other planes.
If the 2 plains are enough, how can I combine them? The software seems a bit complicated and I could use some handholding. Or perhaps someone would be kind enough to do it for me if I send them the files?
I found a youtube video tutorial on how to extract scans for 3D printing but unfortunately the tutorial assumes good scans
good day! slices are really not enough to get a quality image. I understand that you want to combine coronal, axial and sagital to get better quality? Here is a link why this cannot be done in Slicer.
Theoretically, this can be done in other 3D programs.
Here is what I managed to do in Slicer = axial.