Creates x-rays that focus on the outlines of anatomical structures

Hello, I wanted to ask how to create a section in the tomography that focuses on the outlines of anatomical structures. That is, you can see the bicortical (internal and external cortex). I send an image so you can see what I’m asking. Thank you very much and I congratulate you for this excellent program!!!

Hello, I would need this help to be able to see the double cortex in patients with TMJ pathologies (TMD).
Thank you so much

Hi Can someone help me

You can reslice the images along the dental arch curve, using Curved Planar Reformat module in Sandbox extension.

Thanks for your reply, what you are telling me is to make a panoramic image. What I need is for it to look like the image uploaded, in the upper part that says (Traced) Include “Traced Filter”, Slice thickness = 0.5 mm (circular cut)