Hello, I have a confocal, spatial, and axial view but I cannot get a 3D view to render. What step am I missing?
You need to enable volume rendering to see it in the 3D view. Drag the volume from the data module onto the 3D view.
Hello, thank you for responding. I tried to drag the loaded data in the 3D view but nothing occured. Is there another step for enabling 3D view? This is my view from the data window:
I don’t think you have clinical dataset so maybe it is not using a good preset. Go to the Volume Rendering module and try different presets and see if you can get something to show up in the 3D viewer.
if not, then perhaps your data is too big for your GPU. Go to the Volumes module and tell us what the dimensions and the data type of your images.
Thank you for your response, I followed your recommendations and the 1st image is what dispalyed. I tried with multiple presets and the visual remained the same. I also tried changing the rendering with CPU and GPU ray casting but did not see any effect. I have attached my dimensions as well.
I am not seeing anything unusual about the size of the data, almost all recent GPUs should be able to handle this.
It is harder to see, but I think your dataset is under a non-linear transform. 3D viewer does not display this in real-time. You can right click on the transform grid next to the serioes description and choose harden.
Then try again.