Ctkslider connect to parameter node to GUI

Hi all,

I would like to connect ctksliderwidget to GUI using the parameter node.
Could you find the error in my codes?

class SliderRange:
    Minimum: float
    Maximum: float
    Value: float

class ModulesParameterNode:

    # GUIs
    frameSliderValue: SliderRange
    thicknessSliderValue: SliderRange  

self.mapping = {
    "frameSliderValue": self.widget.frameSlider,
    "thicknessSliderValue": self.widget.projectionSlider,

self._parameterNodeGuiTag = self._parameterNode.connectParametersToGui(self.mapping)

It could help if you provided this in the form of a complete example that can easily be tested. I.e. the minimum reproducible example that illustrates the question. (At least I think that would help - I haven’t use the parameter nodes so I don’t know the answer myself).