DentalSegmentator inaccuracies separating cortical bone and teeth

I really appreciate what you have done so far. The software is amazing. I have compared to between conventional segmentation ( with commercial software) and your segmentation extension. this extension helps reduce significantly the time for segmentation compared to the conventional one. Especially, in case of CT data with artifacts.
However. I still want to add some comments aiming for improving this extension. I have a concern that after trying several segmentation. Although the result is fine ( as you can see in the picture), the some part of 3D segments seem to lost quite much structure ( maybe as a default HU parameter)). You can see the red arrows pointing out losing bonny wall of maxilla and mandible.
so in case, I want to improve the 3D segmentation structure, is there any way to do that ?
Thank you

Thank you for your message. In the case of thin cortical bone (typically on the buccal/labial side of the teeth), it is often difficult (both manually and automatically!) to delineate the teeth from the bone.
If there are some bony parts under-segmented when looking at the MPR slices, you can try to correct them manually using segment editor tools that are embedded on the left side of the extension.