DICOM data not visible in DICOM browser, only loads in axial view,thin slice views in sagittal/coronal

Operating system:Windows10
Slicer version:4.10.1
Expected behavior:Data to load as volumes in all views,scroll wheel to work in all views
Actual behavior: Data only visible in axial view, scrolling between views does not work. 2nd- sagittal and coronal views are only represented by a thin line,scroll wheel does work. No data visible in DICOM browser.

Have you loaded the data set using DICOM module?

If just use “Add data” module and leave the default “single slice” option enabled then only the selected slice will be loaded.

Hi Andras,

I was using the drag and drop the DICOM folder into the Slicer window to open data. I saw it on a video.

What finally worked was hitting the DCM button on the upper left and then hitting Import. It allowed me to import the DICOM folder and select files once imported.

I’m now trying to figure out, when segmenting a brain and meningioma from a MRI and CT, how to get a more realistic looking brain/meningioma. My parts are very smooth or if I turn the smoothing function down, the

brain looks like segmented planes. I’ll look through the Slicer Forum for suggestions.

Thanks again for responding.


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