Edit UI file for segmentation editor effect


I started using 3D Slicer a couple of days ago and I’m really excited for the things it can do.
I created a scripted segment editor effect and I was wondering whether I can edit the ui using the same developer options explained in slide 36 in PerkLabBootcamp/day3_2_SlicerProgramming.pptx at master · PerkLab/PerkLabBootcamp · GitHub

I’m still struggling a bit with the association of the ui file with the logic. After checking the plugin made for the AIAA server in NVIDIA, it seems a big chunk of that effect was created by the Wizard, right?

I’ll really appreciate your reply,



Most segment editor effects create the user interface by Python scripting, but if you need more than just a few widgets then it is worth using a .ui file. I think the only two examples for this are these:

You can either create new segment editor effect using the Extension wizard and update it to use a .ui file (based on the two above modules as examples), or clone one of the two modules above and rename and modify the files to fit your needs.

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Many thanks for your quick reply, I appreciate it.

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