Error in Opening Files using Slicer 5.6.2

Hi Team,

I think I’ve identified the issue. Here are the potential causes for the error:

  1. Incorrect data upload
  2. Version error introduced in Slicer 5.6.2

The error occurs when trying to upload previously segmented data in version 5.6.1, specifically with the following files:

  • 2024-03-05-Scene.nnrd
  • 2024-03-05-Scene.mrml
  • 2401 CO T1 FS mDIXON GD.scene
  • Segmentation.seg.nnrd

No PNG files were uploaded into 3D Slicer.

When I upload these files, I get a random screenshot in the panels instead of the expected coronal, sagittal, axial, and 3D views. For instance, a screenshot of the DICOM Database appears, which I never took. You can see this issue in the attached image.

In the left panel, the expected data is visible, but an extra set of segmentations is added with an underscore suffix (e.g., *_1). To solve this issue, you need to delete these extra files. Once deleted, the views should display the correct content.
Additionally, this solution should also fix the 3D model not centering correctly, as mentioned in a previous post.