Extension's updated code doesn't show on Extensions Manager

Hi. I updated the BoneReconstructionPlanner extension main branch (i.e. extensionsIndex’s observed branch) on last Tuesday as you can see here but I downloaded today BoneReconstructionPlanner on Slicer Stable release and the extension hasn’t updated, actually last update appears to be June 30th.

Why did the extension not rebuild? Shouldn’t it have rebuild yesterday or today?

The extension is built from the latest git revision for both the Slicer Stable Release and the Slicer Preview Release:

However, these builds are not uploaded to the Extensions Server:

@jcfr is this a known issue?

This should now be fixed:

  • Relevant build-system updates have been backported to the v4.11 branch
  • Local checkout associated with the latest stable release on the factories have been manually updated.

For reference, while latest updates have been backported to the v4.11 branch, they are currently under review for integration in master in PR-5922

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