How can i convert markups line to segmentation?

hello. I found this community today and am posting my first question.
Currently I am working on how to mark the spine with a specific trajectory for the pedicle screw.
This trajectory was displayed in a cylinder shape using the line of the Markups function, but I want to convert this cylinder-shaped line into a segment and export it as an STL file together with the spine model.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to merge the markups into the spine model.

P.S I am a very inexperienced beginner in handling 3d slicer. I would be very grateful if you could give me a little detail.

If all you need is to convert these markup lines to 3D model, then you can use the MarkupsToModel extension, and save the resultant model as STL.

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Or if you insist on doing it from within Segment Editor, we have an effect called DrawTube that is in the SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffects extension.

But if your goal is just to export them to STL and you don’t need to do other editing, then the way suggested by @muratmaga is simpler.