How can I open a 3DVolume on 3DSlicer?

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to open a Volume3D file on 3DSlicer in order to create a 3D file and then import it into STL. I’m still new to using 3DSlicer, is there a particular method to import it?

I have images in DICOM format, I went to the DICOM importer module and then tried to open the file and selected Volume, but it gives me errors, I don’t understand why. I have version 5.6.2 of 3DSlicer. In the same way, I tried using the “FreeSurfer Model” module but it seems that the internal network is blocking access to certain libraries, in fact the error says that I can’t install “NiBabel” or “pip” even though I have reinstalled the latest version of Python and checked and made sure pip is checked.

Additionally, I went to check in Application Settings and the file where Python is located is properly applied. Have you ever encountered similar errors?
Thank you for your help, if you have any tutorials I’m interested. Have a good day.

please copy and paste the actual error. There are many non-compliant dicom files out there. Often running them through the DICOM Patcher module will correct the issue and then you can import the corrected version via the DICOM module.

Hello sir, thank you for your response. I found a way to import it since las t week. I think I have a problem with Python…