How to determine the temporal resolution using DICOM Header Information in perfusion MRI ?

Operating system:
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There is no general solution. Scanner manufacturers (especially of pre-clinical devices) misinterpret/misuse the DICOM standard in various ways, so you need to figure out a way that works for your particular system.

We worked a bit on this at a project week last year but we did not create a module that could solve this.

Probably your best bet is to give more information about your scanner, preferable also a sample data set, and hopefully one of the experts can give you more specific advice.


Thank you very much for your response.
please find attached the DICOM header information.
FileModDate: ‘22-nov.-2017 19:23:24’
FileSize: 113934
Format: ‘DICOM’
FormatVersion: 3
Width: 128
Height: 128
BitDepth: 12
ColorType: ‘grayscale’
FileMetaInformationGroupLength: 208
FileMetaInformationVersion: [2×1 uint8]
MediaStorageSOPClassUID: ‘1.2.840.10008.’
MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID: ‘’
TransferSyntaxUID: ‘1.2.840.10008.1.2.1’
ImplementationClassUID: ‘’
ImplementationVersionName: ‘OFFIS_DCMTK_354’
SourceApplicationEntityTitle: ‘DCF’
SpecificCharacterSet: ‘ISO_IR 100’
InstanceCreationDate: ‘20161214’
InstanceCreationTime: ‘112534.031000’
SOPClassUID: ‘1.2.840.10008.’
SOPInstanceUID: ‘’
StudyDate: ‘20161214’
SeriesDate: ‘20161214’
AcquisitionDate: ‘20161214’
ContentDate: ‘20161214’
StudyTime: ‘105858.875000’
SeriesTime: ‘112534.031000’
AcquisitionTime: ‘112510.545000’
ContentTime: ‘112534.031000’
AccessionNumber: ‘’
Modality: ‘MR’
Manufacturer: ‘SIEMENS’
ReferringPhysicianName: [1×1 struct]
StationName: ‘MRC’
StudyDescription: ‘I-N-Neuro^CEREBRALE’
SeriesDescription: ‘ep2d_perf+++’
InstitutionalDepartmentName: ‘Department’
PerformingPhysicianName: [1×1 struct]
ManufacturerModelName: ‘Verio’
ReferencedImageSequence: [1×1 struct]
DerivationDescription: ‘LossLess compression with JPEG 2K, compression ratio 2.7103’
DerivationCodeSequence: [1×1 struct]
PatientID: ‘5859’
ContrastBolusAgent: ‘+ INJECTION’
ScanningSequence: ‘EP’
SequenceVariant: ‘SK’
ScanOptions: ‘PFP\FS’
MRAcquisitionType: ‘2D’
SequenceName: ‘epfid2d1_128’
AngioFlag: ‘N’
SliceThickness: 4
RepetitionTime: 2.8919e+03
EchoTime: 45
NumberOfAverages: 1
ImagingFrequency: 123.2449
ImagedNucleus: ‘1H’
EchoNumber: 1
MagneticFieldStrength: 3
SpacingBetweenSlices: 5.2000
NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps: 112
EchoTrainLength: 1
PercentSampling: 100
PercentPhaseFieldOfView: 100
PixelBandwidth: 1502
DeviceSerialNumber: ‘40551’
SoftwareVersion: ‘syngo MR B17’
ProtocolName: ‘ep2d_perf+++’
ContrastBolusVolume: 0
ContrastBolusTotalDose: 0
ContrastBolusIngredient: ‘’
ContrastBolusIngredientConcentration: 0
TransmitCoilName: ‘Body’
AcquisitionMatrix: [4×1 uint16]
InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection: ‘COL’
FlipAngle: 90
VariableFlipAngleFlag: ‘N’
SAR: 0.0367
dBdt: 0
PatientPosition: ‘HFS’
Private_0019_10xx_Creator: ‘SIEMENS MR HEADER’
Private_0019_1008: ‘IMAGE NUM 4’
Private_0019_1009: ‘1.0’
Private_0019_100b: 82.5000
Private_0019_100f: 'Fast

Private_0019_1011: ‘No’
Private_0019_1012: [3×1 int32]
Private_0019_1013: [3×1 int32]
Private_0019_1014: [3×1 double]
Private_0019_1015: [3×1 double]
Private_0019_1016: 0
Private_0019_1017: 1
Private_0019_1018: 2600
Private_0019_1028: 10.4170
StudyInstanceUID: ‘’
SeriesInstanceUID: ‘’
StudyID: ‘1’
SeriesNumber: 18
AcquisitionNumber: 1
InstanceNumber: 1
ImagePositionPatient: [3×1 double]
ImageOrientationPatient: [6×1 double]
FrameOfReferenceUID: ‘’
PositionReferenceIndicator: ‘’
SliceLocation: -56.9148
SamplesPerPixel: 1
PhotometricInterpretation: ‘MONOCHROME2’
Rows: 128
Columns: 128
PixelSpacing: [2×1 double]
BitsAllocated: 16
BitsStored: 12
HighBit: 11
PixelRepresentation: 0
SmallestImagePixelValue: 0
LargestImagePixelValue: 1612
WindowCenter: 317
WindowWidth: 706
RescaleIntercept: 0
RescaleSlope: 1
RescaleType: ‘US’
WindowCenterWidthExplanation: ‘Algo1’
Private_0029_10xx_Creator: ‘SIEMENS CSA HEADER’
Private_0029_11xx_Creator: ‘SIEMENS MEDCOM HEADER2’
Private_0029_1008: ‘IMAGE NUM 4’
Private_0029_1009: ‘20161214’
Private_0029_1010: [9472×1 uint8]
Private_0029_1018: ‘MR’
Private_0029_1019: ‘20161214’
Private_0029_1020: [68276×1 uint8]
Private_0029_1160: ‘com’
RequestedProcedureDescription: ‘I-N-Neuro CEREBRALE’
StudyComments: ‘AVC i OLEA’
PerformedProcedureStepStartDate: ‘20161214’
PerformedProcedureStepStartTime: ‘105858.906000’
PerformedProcedureStepID: ‘MR20161214105858’
PerformedProcedureStepDescription: ‘I-N-Neuro^CEREBRALE’
Private_0051_10xx_Creator: ‘SIEMENS MR HEADER’
Private_0051_1008: ‘IMAGE NUM 4’
Private_0051_1009: ‘1.0’
Private_0051_100a: ‘TA 00.08’
Private_0051_100b: ‘128p128’
Private_0051_100c: 'FoV 230
Private_0051_100d: ‘SP F56.9’
Private_0051_100e: ‘Tra>Sag(-6.0)>Cor(-4.9)’
Private_0051_100f: ‘C:HEA;HEP;NE1,2’
Private_0051_1012: ‘TP 0’
Private_0051_1013: ‘+LPH’
Private_0051_1015: ‘R’
Private_0051_1016: ‘PERFUSION/NONE/ND’
Private_0051_1017: ‘SL 4.0’
Private_0051_1019: ‘A1/PFP/FS’

Best regards.