Hi all,
I’m new to 3D slicer and probably my issue has been already solved in the past (if so, can someone please address me to the right topic?).
I would like to generate a volumetric mesh of the left ventricle wall for FE analysis from a CT/MRI/else.
I tried to work with the CT data set from the tutorial and I was able to segment the different parts of the heart and applied the hollow procedure to somehow approximate the epi- and endocardium layers.
However, when I use SegmentMesher for generate the FE (either with Clever or TetGen), the model is made of a “full” left ventricle, as if it doesn’t see the interior wall (what should be the endocardium) but as the meshing procedure fills the entire volume inside the exterior surface.
Moreover, if this procedure is possible, I would also need to generate the index matrices of the points only on the two surfaces, but only after generating the FE grid for the volume between the two surfaces.
Does anyone can help me?
Thank you all,