Is it better to integrate settings from Module B into Module A for improved user workflow (or user convenience)?

Excuse me…
I was able to move one more step forward. Instead of using the command

myIsodoseSurface = slicer.vtkSlicerIsodoseModuleLogic().CreateIsodoseSurfaces(object_vtkMRMLIsodoseNode)

I executed the following command (as mentioned in the guidance provided in question of Call SlicerRT Isodose (or create isodoses) from python):

myIsodoseSurface = slicer.modules.isodose.logic().CreateIsodoseSurfaces(object_vtkMRMLIsodoseNode)

Therefore, the full commands executed are as follows:

doseVolumeNode = slicer.util.getFirstNodeByClassByName('vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode', '2: RTDOSE: DOSIsoft:RTDOSE:Phase #1 Dosi Dosi 1: Beam setup 1 (GY) [11]: Beam setup 1')
object_vtkMRMLIsodoseNode = slicer.vtkMRMLIsodoseNode().CreateNodeInstance()
#myIsodoseSurface = slicer.vtkSlicerIsodoseModuleLogic().CreateIsodoseSurfaces(object_vtkMRMLIsodoseNode)
myIsodoseSurface = slicer.modules.isodose.logic().CreateIsodoseSurfaces(object_vtkMRMLIsodoseNode)

As you can see in the image below,

similar to the Isodose module execution, which produces a model output placed in a folder, when running the command of:

myIsodoseSurface = slicer.modules.isodose.logic().CreateIsodoseSurfaces(object_vtkMRMLIsodoseNode)

this folder is also created, but it is empty, and the 3DSlicer environment completely freezes, to the point where none of the icons in the red, yellow, or green windows are selectable. In the end, I have to close 3DSlicer.

I think I am getting closer to my answer.
Please guide me.
Best regards.