Lung CT Analyzer now supports lung lobes and emphysema statistics

Lung lobe segmentation has recently become a 2-minute process with Lung CT Segmenter calls of the TotalSegmentator AI extension.

Consequently, Lung CT Analyzer 2.62 now includes lung lobe analysis of pulmonary infiltrates, lung collapse, and emphysema. A special emphysema result table and display are available which will be helpful in lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) and the surveillance of COPD.

In this COPD case, 35% of the right upper lobe is affected, so this anatomical structure could be a primary target for LVRS.


The pathology (green) is detected well:


What minimum version of Slicer is required to run this new version of Lung CT Analyzer?

3D Slicer 5.2.1 stable and a CUDA-enabled Nvidia GPU (RTX1060 or better) are recommended and well tested.

Saludos, una consulta este analisis podria compararse al analisis para covid 19 ?.


Yes, the emphysema analysis is similar to the COVID analysis. In this case, the percentage of low lung tissue densities is measured.