Multivolume Explorer gives error in 5.4 version, so does module "sequences" allows to plot time intensity charts from multivolume datasets?

Hello everybody,
I have used for long time Multivolume Importer and Explorer to view and analyse DCE datasets in Slicer 4.11. Today when I come back to that with new 5.4 version of Slicer I realized that the Multivolume module is not able to plot intensity/time charts for segmented volumes. It gives error in vtk… Thus I found discussion describing that module “Sequences” is successor of Multivolume and should give same functionality. However, I was unable to found the way how to plot intensity/time plots for segments outlined in Editor. Is it my fault or the Sequences module doesnot support it yet? If this is the case is there some easy way to export data (region intensity statistics through all frames) for labeled segments within DCE time series?

Thank you Jakub

Instead of fixing errors in the deprecated MultiVolume modules, we’ll spend the time with adding any missing feature to modules that use sequences. Can you describe exactly what you need? Time-intensity plot in only two volumes is sufficient (no need for more volumes)? Is plotting one segment is sufficient? Any operations on the plots (e.g., subtract one from the other, normalization, …)? Provide minimum required feature set and what you would like to ideal have (we will implement the minimum feature set first, but knowing the future needs will help us make design decisions).

Hi, thank you very much for great support. We usually have segmentation finished on structural data prior DCE analysis. We would love to have oportunity to select for which segmented region (segment) we want to plot an intensity curve derived from avarage values within the region. What is really needed, is to have method to either export or copy&paste the values of the curve into a spreadsheet for further analysis and comparison to other regions… I do believe this is not that much work and it will be highly appreciated within the community.

Thank you very much
Best regards

Thank you for the information. I should be able to work on this in about a month. I’ve added a ticket to track the status of this work:

In the meantime, could you provide sample data sets that I can test with (preferably from a public data repository, such as TCIA). It would help if you could find two data sets that could be used for testing the dual image input.