Multivolume, MRI - how to start working with it?

I have an abdominal exam, MRI, contrast scan, I have a series after C+, I`d like to segment vessels, tumor and other part of abdomen. But this is multivolume exam, and I dont know how to start working with it. Could you help and tell me some instruction how to work with such of exam, where to start?
Here is link to exam (anonymized) 901-+C mDIXON_ALL - Google Drive
Best regards

Is it possible to improve this rendering?

Exam is posted above

Thanks for sharing the deidentified data. This looks like a contrast volume time series that doesn’t match the patterns currently supported by the MultiVolume or Sequence importers, e.g. in this logic. If someone wants to study the headers there is probably a pattern that could be added to reconstruct this correctly. If nobody takes this up right now it should at least be captured in an issue.