Nasal bone modeling job


I am searching for an experienced professional to show how a crooked nasal bone forces cartilidge and the top of the septum to not only be crooked but to hit the lateral walls of the nose. I am trying to replicate both articles below. Thank you!

I have both a 64 slice CT that shows crooked nasal bones and a Nasal MRI that needs to be used to build the septum and lateral cartilidges of the nose.

Computational technology for nasal cartilage-related clinical research and application - PMC).&text=Model%20reconstruction%20sometimes%20will%20be,4a).

If you could please provide your email below, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for sharing your project details, this sounds like a fascinating opportunity :sparkles: :rocket: :pray:

I just sent you a direct message with more information on how we can assist.

I really want to show how the cooked nasal bone causes the septum and cartilidge hitting the wrong parts of my nose causing me pain!

Thanks so much!

Can you please provide your email and I can send you the dicom files for both the CT and MRI

Hi Jean,

I just sent your team an email with the specifications and both the MRI and CT.

Thank you!

Bumping this to see if there is anyone who can help or has interest.

Thanks Justin, I will circle back for the team and follow up there.