Nasal Build and Reconsturction; 3D CT and 3D MRI to show bone and soft tissue interaction.


I am trying to reconstruct and show every piece of nasal septum, cartilidge and bone in a nose like. I currently have a 64 slice nasal CT and a nasal MRI. I have been able to rebuild the CT and show the crooked nasal bones. However, I have not been able to completely reconstruct the nasal septum and soft tissue using the MRI. My goal is to show the broken nose is pushing the top of the septum in to the lateraly nasal wall causing a non traditional contact point headache.

I know it is possible and these two articles discuss a 3D CT and 3D MRI put together and taken apart to show every aspect of the nose.

Computational technology for nasal cartilage-related clinical research and application - PMC).&text=Model%20reconstruction%20sometimes%20will%20be,4a).

Any help at all would be appreciated!

Can you clarify what part’s not working for you? Maybe include some screenshots.

Hi Steven, I was able to rebuild the CT. However, I was not able to do the MRI and really show everything like they did in the links,

I could not get the nasal septum or lateral cartilages to show at all on the MRI. I am trying to show the impact of the crooked nasal bone on the septum and cartilage.

I have attached a video for reference. The links below are the goal I am trying to get to.,is%20also%20available%20for%20measurements.&text=Multiple%20models%20can%20be%20assembled,Parametric%20Technology%20Corporation%2C%20USA).&text=Model%20reconstruction%20sometimes%20will%20be,4a).

Any help at all would be appreciated!

Can you make your video link public? (Currently it says people need to request access.)

Regarding your goal, yes, it should be doable in Slicer. You should be able to see the structures of interest in the MR, register them to the CT, and make segmentations that include segments from both sources. From your description it’s not clear to me which part of the process is not working for you.


If I sent you the Dicom files, would I be able to pay for your firm’s expertise in assisting? I have been to many ENTs to assist in trying to accomplish this and radiologists and no one is able to assist from a professional standpoint. I can build them myself but would love to hire professionals to show everything. I will also send over the public file shortly!


Thank you!

Hi Justin_Rhiner I can help you with the tasks you want. I sent a request to the video link. Please click on my Slicer community profile and send me a message and I will help you.

how do you send a direct message. I have clicked on profiles.

Sorry, still learning how to use this forum.

Hi Dear Justin_Rhiner oh i think this forum isn’t active direct message
so if you want contact me, please send me mail
and please attach the information I need to know