No CSV file in DiffusionMessurements folder in WMA

Hi @Fumi @jhlegarreta

I looked in the the issue that you were facing.

On MacOS (mine is Ventura 13.2.1), it is working properly for me as it is. Please see the below screenshot for my setting to run the wm_diffusion_measurements script using Slicer 5.2.2 stable release:

On Ubuntu (mine is 20.04.4 LTS), I also saw the issue about missing lib files when using Slicer 5.2.2 when directly call the FiberTractMeasurements module in the CLI mode. In this case, we would need to use Slicer Launcher to call the module so the program can set all the required libs. Please see the following screenshot for how this is being set. Please be noted of the red underline part. One change to what we did before is that the full path of the FiberTractMeasurements module is needed rather than the name of the module.

Hope this will fix the issue you have here. Please let us know if you have further questions.

Thank you!
