No CSV file in DiffusionMessurements folder in WMA

OK, I figured out how to obtain the bundle stats using the GUI when specifying a folder (using the Fibers_File_Folder mode):

The stats are computed and written to the specified CSV file.

I could not make it work when trying to compute the stats using the Fiber_Hierarchy mode: a 0-sized file is written: @lassoan @pieper @zhangfanmark Am I correct when assuming that if I load a number of bundles (or an MRML created out of them) the Fibers_Hierarchy mode should work as fine as when using the Fibers_File_Folder option? Is there something else we should do to actually “create a hierachy”? TheFibers Hierarchy mode has the options Rename current ModelHierarchy and Delete current ModelHierarchy but when clicking no actions seems to be taken.

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