OpenDose3D module is not loaded

Hi there,

I’m trying to install OpedDose3D extension, but the module can not be loaded. Could anyone please help me? Thanks!

Operating system: Windows
Slicer version: 5.6.0
Expected behavior:
Actual behavior:

I am also having the same issue. I wonder were you able to find a solution? Thanks.

Hi, I have recently downloaded Slicer 3D and I am trying to use the OpenDose3D module with the same issue that you have detailed above. The error message I am getting is:
loadSourceAsModule - Failed to load file “C:/Users/PCOMISKE/Desktop/Slicer 5.6.2/” as module “OpenDose3D” !
Fail to instantiate module “OpenDose3D”
The following modules failed to be instantiated:

Do you have any advice for overcoming this issue? Thanks

Hello, for all questions you can use our mail

For reporting issues you can use Issues · OpenDose / SlicerOpenDose3D · GitLab

We are happy to help: for the moment there is a slicer 5.8 upgrade that makes opendose3d not compatible, we are working in this regard WIP. We have also detected issues with the last version of elastix.

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I am currently using version 5.6.2 of slicer - I think this is same version used in the OpenDose3D videos that were recently added to youtube so I assumed it was not an issue with the version.

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Your issue is being treated here OpenDose3D failed to be instantiated/loaded (#92) · Issues · OpenDose / SlicerOpenDose3D · GitLab