August 18, 2024, 11:22pm
# This is an example of a parameters file
# It is written according to the YAML-convention (www.yaml.org) and is checked by the code for consistency.
# Three types of parameters are possible and reflected in the structure of the document:
# Parameter category:
# Setting Name: <value>
# The three parameter categories are:
# - setting: Setting to use for preprocessing and class specific settings. if no <value> is specified, the value for
# this setting is set to None.
# - featureClass: Feature class to enable, <value> is list of strings representing enabled features. If no <value> is
# specified or <value> is an empty list ('[]'), all features for this class are enabled.
# - imageType: image types to calculate features on. <value> is custom kwarg settings (dictionary). if <value> is an
# empty dictionary ('{}'), no custom settings are added for this input image.
# Some parameters have a limited list of possible values. Where this is the case, possible values are listed in the
# package documentation
# Settings to use, possible settings are listed in the documentation (section "Customizing the extraction").
This file has been truncated. show original
I am having difficulty creating a parameter file. Struggling to make a file capable of →
filter types: original, square, logarithm, exponential, wavelet
feature types: first order, texture, shape
It would be greatly thankful if you give me a file capable of this. Want to extract radiomics as much as possible