Plus Server Error with 3D Slicer

I am trying to use Slicer with the Plus Server connected so that I can use the transforms function for the Ultrasound images. However, I am getting the error show in the image. I have installed all four SlicerIGT related extensions in Slicer but I’m not sure what’s causing this error.

The error says:
|ERROR|022.003000| Cannot connect to the server (| in E:\D\PSNP64b\PlusLib\src\PlusDataCollection\OpenIGTLink\vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkDevice.cxx(152)
|ERROR|022.311000| Socket error in device TrackerDevice: failed to receive OpenIGTLink transforms. Attempt to reconnect.| in E:\D\PSNP64b\PlusLib\src\PlusDataCollection\OpenIGTLink\vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkDevice.cxx(241)


Your Plus configuration file seems to be incorrect. You can get help on writing configuration files for Plus by submitting your question as an issue at PlusLib repository’s tracker (

Ok, thank you for your help!