(Zhao Shuai)
January 9, 2023, 10:55am
The row names in the first column of the final.CSV file represent exactly which part of the brain’s fiber bundle? I don’t know what these abbreviations mean. For example, what does “T_AF_Left” mean?
These are the abbreviations of the anatomical tracts in the ORG atlas . You can look up the full names here:
## Anatomical tracts available in the ORG-800FC-100HCP atlas.
Overall, there are 58 deep white matter fiber tracts from the association, cerebellar, commissural and projection tracts, and 16 superficial tract categories according to the brain lobes. Except for the 7 corpus callosum (CC) tracts and the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) tract that cross the hemispheres (C), others are hemispheric (LR).
* Association tracts
* arcuate fasciculus (AF) – LR
* cingulum bundle (CB) – LR
* extreme capsule (EmC) – LR
* inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) – LR
* inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus (IoFF) – LR
* middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF) – LR
* superior longitudinal fasciculus I (SLF I) – LR
* superior longitudinal fasciculus II (SLF II) – LR
* superior longitudinal fasciculus II (SLF III) – LR
* uncinate fasciculus (UF) – LR
* Cerebellar tracts
* cortico-ponto-cerebellar (CPC) – LR
* inferior cerebellar peduncle (ICP) – LR
* intracerebellar input and Purkinje tract (Intra-CBLM-I&P) – LR
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