(Zhao Shuai)
November 2, 2022, 11:53am
We use the UKF tractography module to creat the neural fibers. Which module can export the relevant data of the fiber bundle, as in the following image, generate a table directly…
(Steve Pieper (Isomics, Inc.))
November 2, 2022, 11:57pm
It looks like you need these instructions:
# Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to perform whole-brain tractography parcellation using the [whitematteranalysis (WMA)]( software and the anatomically curated [O'Donnell Research Group (ORG)]( white matter atlas.
On this page, we provide step-by-step instructions to guide a user to run the entire tractography parcellation pipeline for **_an individual subject_**.
> We also provide a master shell script `````` (see documentation [here]( that enables running the whole pipeline in one command. However, we recommend the users to run through the following step-by-step tutorial first to get familiar with the whole fiber clustering pipeline.
> Note: `````` provides options to remove intermediate files to save disk space.
## 1. Software prerequisites
- Install [3D Slicer](
> 3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization.
- Install [SlicerDMRI](
> SlicerDMRI is an open-source project to improve and extend diffusion magnetic resonance imaging software in 3D Slicer.
- Install [whitematteranalysis (WMA)](
> WMA is an open source software package for data-driven fiber clustering white matter parcellation.
## 2. Download tutorial data
- Download the tutorial data package ([](, ~2.5GB)
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