Segment mesher not appearing in Segmentation dropdown menu

Operating system: Windows 10 Pro
Slicer version:4.11.202100226
Expected behavior:Make volumetric mesh
Actual behavior:Can’t use Segment Mesher

Hello everyone,
I want to make volumetric mesh for single tooth. I’ve installed the Segment Mesher with the Extension manager and I’ve restarted the 3D Slicer, but in the Segmentation dropdown menu I’m not seeing the Segment Mesher.

Any advice ?

Thank you all and have a good day,


Please try the latest Slicer Preview Release and let us know if you cannot find the module the Segment Mesher module there.

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Operating system: Windows 10 Pro
Slicer version:5.0.2
Expected behavior: Make volumetric mesh
Actual behavior: Can’t display the results

Hi prof. Lasso,

thank You for your support with the past replies. Recently I was practicing conversion of STL file (surface mesh) to appropriate ASCII file for my FE-Software.
Now I’m back to the volumetric mesh again. I was following the procedure from GitHub, and I was trying to implement it on a CT scan of a teeth. I want to make volumetric mesh for one specific tooth. Unfortunately I have problem with displaying the results.

I’ll be very thankful if You can help me with some hints to sort this out.

Best regards,