Segmentation changes when applying Treshold

Operating system: MacOS Mojave 10.14.6
Slicer version: 4.11.20200930
Expected behavior: Save segmented area within chosen threshold
Actual behavior: Cuts off majority of segmented area when applying threshold leaving irrelevant shape


I have imported a DICOM-file through a CD-drive, rendered the volume visible in the purple box, added a new segment under segment editor, changed the threshold so only relevant structures are shown and when i click apply I’m not left with what I had highlighted but some other shape instead? Anyone have a clue what I’m doing wrong?

See attached photos. My intention is to convert the DICOM into .stl and be able to work with it in Blender…

Thanks /S

Ok I managed to solve this one myself. Problem was the segmentation geometry and when that was changed to desirable dimensions so was the segmentation upon applying.

All the best / S

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