Segmentation using confocal microscope images

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Hello. I have a couple of images with a confocal microscope, to segment I only use the axial plane, since they are not tomography images and cannot be seen in the other two planes. To slice, try using the Fill between slices effect. However, it doesn’t fill me in between coats. I would like to know if there is any way to fill between layers and calculate a volume of the segment I want.

Original in Spanish:

Segmentacion utilizando imagenes de microscopio confocal

Hola. Tengo un par de imagenes con microscopio confocal, para segmentar solo utilizo el plano axial, ya que no son imagenes de tomografia y no se ven en los otros dos planos. Para segmentar, intente utilizar el efecto Fill between slices. Sin embargo, no me rellena entre capas. Quisiera saber si existe alguna forma de rellenar entre capas y calcular un volumen del segmento que deseo.