Segments do not appear in 3D

Operating system: Winsows 10
Slicer version:4.8.1
Expected behavior: create 3D visualisation
Actual behavior: nothing happens, error “failed to convert segmentation to closed surface”

Dear Slicer community,

I created segmentaton labels, but when I toggle "show 3D", nothing happens, and I also receive the error "failed to convert segmentation to closed surface".

Where did I go wrong?I couldn`t find the answer on the tutorials or SlicerWiki.

As I am quite a novice to Slicer, xould you please explain in detail to me?

Thank you so much!

Kind regards,


How did you create segments? Can you reproduce the problem using latest nightly version of Slicer?

Thank you for your quick response. I created the segments manually and will try the latest version.
THank you. Kind regards