Setting Up Unix (Ubuntu) Local Paths?

I am trying to use the Cervical Vertebra Tools extension on 5.03 r30893/7ea0f43 and am getting a “setup local paths variables” error. Searching has not found a good link.

Ubuntu 20.04

I get the following errors:

VisSimCommonLogic: initializing global variables:
 Defaults paths: 
      VisSimTools folder: /home/xyx/VisSimTools
      Output folder     : /home/xyz/VisSimTools/outputs
      elastix binaries are found in /home/matt/Downloads/Slicer-5.0.3-linux-amd64/NA-MIC/Extensions-30893/SlicerElastix/lib/Slicer-5.0/elastix
      Spine Extension is selected
      Models or contents are wrong, trying to download ...
      Downloading VisSim Tools  ... 
      Downloading VisSimTools others ...
     Extracting to user home 
      Error: can not download and extract VisSimTools ...
"There is no item named '/home/xyz/' in the archive"
setup local paths variables.........................
removeOtputsFolderContents ........................ 
STOPPED: error in input or during the segmentation
unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'builtin_function_or_method' and 'PythonQtStdOutRedirect'. Did you mean "print(<message>, file=<output_stream>)"?


Others have asked about that extension on this forum and I don’t see that they got any answers. Try contacting the developers on github for suggestions.