Slicer crashes while trying to load DICOM files

Hello. I try to load DICOM files in the Slicer, yet it crashes while I’m trying to do so.
I tried both the latest and the stable versions, yet the problem occurred in both.
When I import the folder containing the DICOM files, the series appear on the right side. However, when I try to load them, Slicer crashes.
Can it be problem regarding plugins? I can load jpeg files without any problems.

Most likely your DICOM files are corrupted (for example, by incorrect anonymization). If the images do not contain patient information then you may share them (upload somewhere and post the link here) and we can have a look and tell what’s wrong with them and how to fix.

Ok now. I saw that my DICOM files were not anonymous. So, first, I exported them from my DICOM viewer as anonymous. Yet, I still can’t get them loaded in Slicer.
Here, I share a Google Drive link, including an axial section of chest CT with 362 images.
Thank you so much for your time and thanks in advance.
Please tell me what I do wrong

Thank you. I’ve checked the file and it is highly unusual (allocates 32 bits to store a 14-bit image) but probably valid. I’ve submitted a fix to ITK (the library that we use for DICOM loading):

It’ll probably take a couple of days to get the fix into Slicer.

@arkinacar can I add one of the slices of the image you shared to the test data sets of ITK toolkit? (that would allow all automatic testing to check this unusual but probably valid DICOM file variant)

Sure! As long as the problem is solved, it is np really

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Hello again. Is there any update regarding the issue?

The problem was in GDCM, used by ITK, used by Slicer. I’ve fixed the issue in GDCM, the fix was merged into ITK, the last step is to merge into Slicer. Since Slicer’s ITK has not been updated for a while, it’ll probably take a couple of more days. So, probably the fix will be available in the Slicer Preview Release late next week.