Slicer Preview crashes on slicer.util.resetSliceViews()

Slicer preview version: Slicer-5.7.0-2024-11-29-linux-amd64
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Slicer crashes ungracefully after calling slicer.util.resetSliceViews()

Here is the log:

Python console user input: slicer.util.resetSliceViews()
error: [/home/fryderyk/Downloads/Slicer-5.7.0-2024-11-29-linux-amd64/bin/SlicerApp-real] exit abnormally - Report the problem.

Thanks for the report. I can replicate this crash on the current preview build if I make the call before loading a volume. If I call it after loading a volume there is no crash.


I cannot replicate this on Windows before or after loading a volume.

I can replicate this on a local mac build. Here’s the stack trace:

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   libvtkCommon-    	       0x12e0d6b3f vtkCollection::AddItem(vtkObject*) + 63
1   libMRMLLogic.dylib            	       0x10effa51a vtkMRMLSliceLogic::FitSliceToFirst(int, int) + 362
2   libqMRMLWidgets.dylib         	       0x10cd61215 qMRMLSliceControllerWidget::fitSliceToBackground() + 53
3   libqMRMLWidgets.dylib         	       0x10cd146eb qMRMLLayoutManager::resetSliceViews() + 187
4   libqMRMLWidgets.dylib         	       0x10cda4bbd qMRMLLayoutManager::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) + 125
5   libqSlicerBaseQTGUI.dylib     	       0x10cb0d03a qSlicerLayoutManager::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) + 42
6   libPythonQt.dylib             	       0x1112e191a PythonQtCallSlot(PythonQtClassInfo*, QObject*, _object*, bool, PythonQtSlotInfo*, void*, _object**, void**, PythonQtPassThisOwnershipType*) + 762
7   libPythonQt.dylib             	       0x1112e3328 PythonQtSlotFunction_CallImpl(PythonQtClassInfo*, QObject*, PythonQtSlotInfo*, _object*, _object*, void*, void**, PythonQtPassThisOwnershipType*) + 2184
8   libPythonQt.dylib             	       0x1112e2233 PythonQtMemberFunction_Call(PythonQtSlotInfo*, _object*, _object*, _object*) + 195

I’ll see if I can debug and suggest a fix

This fixes it: BUG: Check for null pointer before fitting volume by pieper · Pull Request #8076 · Slicer/Slicer · GitHub

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