Slicer SALT attribute to measure bone resorption

Hello everyone, may I ask which attribute in Shape population viewer represents bone resorption/deposition in mandible condyle for (pre/post treatment condyle ), I have done model to model distance ( corresponding point to point) analysis to measure bone resorption/deposition between pre / post operative condyles, is this correct method to achieve this purpose?


Since the correspondence has already been established between the two mean models [i.e. source model (the post-operative Model) & target model (the pre-operative model)], you can then use ā€œsinged point-to-point distanceā€ to visualize and quantify the resorption (-) and deposition (+) between the mean models for pre / post operative condyles.


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hiļ¼Œafter choose the signedpointtopointDistance ļ¼Œthere is no true value ļ¼Œbecause when i set the rangeļ¼Œthe value chang怂thank you for your reply

thank you for your reply

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Yes; the value has changed because you switched to, and chose, different variable within the ā€˜population viewerā€™ module. The value will also change when ever you modify range as well.

In general:

  • For quantifying the amount of deviation between the two models, you need to run the ā€œModel to Model Distanceā€ module in [SlicerSALT or 3D slicer].

  • Since you have already establish correspondence between the mean models for, you need to chose ā€œcorresponding point-to-point distanceā€ in the module. This will allow you to quantify the amount of deviation between each corresponding points between the two models.

  • After running the module successfully, you will obtain a ā€˜vtk fileā€™ that has all value you need for creating the color map (using population viewer module) and quantifying the deviation with specific values for each corresponding (which will be shown to you clearly in spread sheet when using Paraview software).


thank you very much for your reply

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