Hi all,
I apologize if I’m posting in the wrong section (if so please remove/move this post).
We just released a free (non commercial use) dataset made of 62 submillimetric CT scans of COVID-19 positive patients.
Automatic lung tissue labeling and human-based clinical score are provided as well.
Maybe in this difficult historical period, this dataset can be useful for your research.
We recently developed a Lung CT Analyzer extension for 3D Slicer for COVID-19 assessments. It can be installed within Slicer from the extension manager.
Thanks @Justin !
We are trying to retrive these data, but I can not promise anything.
@rbumm I saw your extension…that’s really great!
The aim of our paper was to release high quality images (on internet a lot of people published png-like images…) alongside with some clinical data and a way to automatically get some labels from CTs.
Let me know if I can provide additional information (as already said we are trying to retrive additional clinical information).
@lassoan@jcfr do you think it would be interesting for the community to have an extension that, given a chest CT, automatically labels lungs tissues on basis of the intensity (healthy, ground-glass opacities, and consolidation)?
It can be used for pneumonia (COVID too).
The methodology is explained in the paper linked in the first post (it’s a GMM strategy basically).
Yes, sure, I expect that this would be useful. If you don’t want to create an entire new extension for this then it could be added to the LungCTAnalyzer or ChestImagingPlatform extensions.
Dear all,
today I updated our COVID-19 database.
Now it is made of 81 patients (in total 93 CTs since some patients have follow-up scan) and information about intensive care unit were added as well.