First of all Thank you for the support. I made some progress in my current task. I have implemented UKF tractography and add some modifications on it which I needed.
Now I want to implement interactive seeding tractography module as CLI. I am trying to implement it like this:
def dti2fibers(self,markup,b):
if not hasattr(self, 'tractography_node'):
self.tractography_node = slicer.vtkMRMLFiberBundleNode()
parameters = {
'InputVolume': self.DTISelector.currentNode(),
'OutputFibers': self.fiberBundleSelector.currentNode(),
'InputFiducialList':self.markupSelector.currentNode() # THIS IS THE POINT OF ERROR
self.seeding_parameter_node =
slicer.modules.tractographyinteractiveseeding, None,
To help people help you, could you include the specific error message? Also if you can point to a github repository of the full code it’s better than just including a snippet (so people can see where variables are defined, etc).
Hello Thank you fro your response. This snippet is general implementation from my source code. I am actually asking about the CLI parameters for tractographyinteractiveseeding module.
For ROI module it is clearly mentioned in documentation with the names:
Input DTI Volume** (InputVolume): DTI volume in which to seed (generate) tractography.
Input Label Map** (InputROI): Label map defining region for seeding tractography.
Output Fiber Bundle** (OutputFibers): Tractography result
But for Interative seeding module there is no such thing mentioned in the documentation.
I hope I am clear with my question. Sorry for the confusion.
I actually want to make a simple interactive tractography with simple mouse clicking which I have already implemented with ukf tractography.
Now I want to implement the same thing with interactive seeding module as ukf is computationally expensive.
I want to learn how to use interactive seeding module in CLI. I have tried to make a function but I dont know the CLI parameters it needs.