@massimo you will need to install SlicerDMRI and make sure the dicom diffusion plugin is enabled.
From there you can load the ep2d_diff_mddw_20_p2 series and load it as DWI. From there you can do interactive and whole brain tractography and other SlicerDMRI operations. Most of the other diff series are pre-calculated from the DWI on the scanner.
To be more accurate, i do the following:
Menu/Diffusion/Import And Export/ Tractography DICOM load
Unfortunately, during the import, I notice these serie of errors:
Could not load: Design - as DWI Volume as a Diffusion Volume (please see DWIConvert module for advanced options and help)
Could not load: ep2d_diff_mddw_20_p2_TRACEW - as DWI Volume as a Diffusion Volume (please see DWIConvert module for advanced options and help)
Could not load: 15: ep2d_diff_mddw_20_p2_TENSOR as a Scalar Volume
Could not load: ep2d_diff_mddw_20_p2_ColFA - as a 40 frames MultiVolume by ImagePositionPatient+AcquisitionTime as a MultiVolume
So cannot proceed.
Did you try to import the same serie? In case, any errors?
Thanks again
I was able to load and do tractography via the DICOM module from the ep2d_diff_mddw_20_p2 series, so focus on that one and you should be able to load it too. The other series are derived data that cannot be used for tractography.
import the study into the DICOM database
select only the ep2d_diff_mddw_20_p2
in the DICOM Plugins tab be sure DICOMDiffusionVolumePlugin is select and turn off the others
clicking Load should load data as a diffusion volume
you will see the baseline volume, but if you go to the Volumes module you can scroll through the diffusion directions
you can then use any of the SlicerDMRI operations (tensor estmation, interactive tractography, UKF, etc)