Unable to manually install extension to manual Slicer build

I have built latest Slicer manually and have also built some Slicer extensions manually to install into the extension manager by ZIP. I’m running into an issue where they are being detected as incorrect matching revision. Have I done something wrong?

I get the following message upon trying to install by ZIP
followed by
and then when observing the installed extensions tab

When I query slicer.app.revision I get it appropriately as version 30133

@jcfr This would seem related to some of your recent work with extensions.

I encountered the same using the official preview version from today, but manual extension installation method (due to this issue New extension manager and issues with corporate certificates)


The error retrieving extension metadata is due to receiving 50 results (all the extensions) instead of just 1 for the extension of interest. Trying to figure out what is wrong with the query.

Commits in question include:

Any updates on this? I downloaded latest Slicer Preview and downloaded a corresponding extension from https://slicer-packages.kitware.com/ and I’m still unable to manually install it using the extension manager.


We talked about this with @jcfr yesterday and he is expected to work on it this week. This is clearly a bug, so it may be useful to file a bug report to ensure that it gets sufficient visibility.

Should I file it under the Slicer repo or at https://github.com/KitwareMedical/slicer-extensions-webapp? I’m not specifically sure if Slicer repo issue or the extensions server side.

It is an issue in Slicer core.

Now tracked at https://github.com/Slicer/Slicer/issues/5840

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